To make White Rock the most desirable City in the Province to live, work, and visit through effective, mature, thoughtful, and responsible governance.
The Values I stand by are:
1. Honesty and integrity.
2. Respect for the public, other elected officials, and City staff.
3. Sound fiscal management.
4. Ethical behaviour in both business and personal life.
5. Continuous improvement in seeking excellence.
6. Open communication.
7. Innovation and creativity.
8. Decisiveness and common sense in decision-making.
In order to realize my Vision, I believe it is necessary to achieve the following:
1. Increase the Public's confidence in their elected officials by creating an atmosphere of mutual respect, tolerance, and civility in our governance processes.
2. Institute decision-making processes based upon principles and values that are respectful of the Public's need for consultation.
3. Minimize taxation and spend the taxpayers' money wisely and effectively.
4. Strengthen the City's economic base.
5. Adopt a "pay as you go" financial plan that avoids debt.
6. Ensure the City's infrastructure needs are planned for and adequately financed.
7. Protect the natural environment including water and air, trees and parks.
8. Create an environment that allows us to promote innovation and creative cost-saving measures within government operations.
9. Hire and retain the best employees possible and provide them with reasonable compensation.
10. Preserve the currently designated single family areas of the City, and encourage thoughtful and attractive multi-family and commercial redevelopment in the areas of the City which are presently designated in the Community Plan for that purpose.
11. Maintain the autonomy of White Rock, but work cooperatively with Surrey and Semiahmoo First Nation on cross-jurisdictional issues.